Nie stara się spowodować tarcia, ale myślę, że ten koleś myśli, że powinienem być bardziej do niego podobny.
Chciałbym kilka swoich utworów, choć ...
This didn't translate well
This Is what I said!
"Not trying to cause Friction, but I think this dude thinks I should be more like him.
I like a couple of your tracks though...
And buddy the boring ones..That's me shutting the fuck up so the MC can catch Wreck!! After all... remember it's not all about me LOL"
Sorry bout the screwy Google translator
[soundcloud] ... -handel-it[/soundcloud]
I kolego nudnych .. To ja zamykając ryj tak MC może złapać Wreck! Po tym wszystkim ... pamiętaj, że nie chodzi tylko o mnie LOL
Khim Sane The Drum Gun" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Re: "Clone Wars ... masowej konsumpcji Projekt"
przez OBRcws » 7 cze 2014, o 22:41
Ten pierwszy brakuje basu i ogólnie trochę monotonny, takie preview to się na Max 2min. robi, ale jest potencjał jakby popracować nad tym trochę...
Drugi dużo lepiej i widać że się przyłożyłeś do detali... Czasem trochę może chaosu trochę ale poziom produkcji jak najbardziej na propsie." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Avatar użytkownika
Posty: 633
Dołączył(a): 2013/11/04
Lokalizacja: Barnsley/UK
MPC: Maschine Studio
Kontroler: Fantom G8
DAW: Cubase
Oh yea these are the ones he critiqued.
I agree, everything could be better, but not bad for a newbie
Radical REN Rock for obrcws;)
- DonPadzior
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- Joined: 23 Jan 2013, 17:00
Wygląda na to ze ober kogoś pocisnął (w dodatku po polskiemu) i koleś nie może przeżyć
I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything if it were a nail.
- OBRcws
- Pad7
- Posts: 894
- Joined: 04 Nov 2013, 14:26
Nie kumam. Jakoś bardziej zrozumiale bym poprosił.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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- Padawan
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 05 Jun 2014, 08:06
Weird is hip hop...Shit you haven't thought of yet. And I guess Eggplants some kinda racial slur? Figures. From a dude's that's on the dick of the music that come's from the "eggplants" LOL. Also, before critiquing others, you should operate from a knowledgeable stand point. When I checked your work, there was a lot to criticize. If your shit was dope, I would have taken it as a teachable moment. Since you have a couple of dope samples, I mean beat's... Maybe you should leave us DRUM PROGRAMMERS alone, and go jack another loop... I'm just sayin
- Padawan
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 05 Jun 2014, 08:06
Pozwólcie mi wyjaśnić moją reakcję. Nie musisz lubić to, co robię, ale jeśli będzie wskazywać na problemy z mojej pracy, upewnij się, że jest na własną muzykę punktu. Mi natknął jako snob forum, kto czuje, że jest właścicielem tego miejsca. Więc słuchałem tego, co zrobił.
Powinienem dać mu podobną opinię?
Jego utworów:
BeatBattle03 - OBRcws
Brzmi jak na odpust, cienkie bębny, z boiska w punktach, próbka śpiew jest trochę denerwujące. Nie bas.
BeatBattle 01 - OBRcws
Lepszy tor, ale Twój czas pętla jest wyłączona, a utwór potrzebuje więcej kompresji.
Homework07 - OBRcws
Super cienkie bębny bez stempla, wielkość jest bardzo niska. Nie bas.
Przyzwoity utwór, ale są problemy boisko.
Mocno utwór.
Jeśli ja, pewnie by pomyślał, jestem dupkiem.
Jestem na tym forum, aby usłyszeć, jak wy, Europejczycy użyć MPC REN.
I pokazać, jak go używać.
Twoje metody nie są takie same jak moje w moim stanie. Czy nie byłoby to niegrzeczne z mojej strony, którzy przychodzą do was forum mówi co robisz źle?
Właśnie słucham, i utrzymać ją w ruchu.
Let me explain my reaction. You don't have to like what I make, but if your gonna point out problems with my work, please make sure you OWN music is on point. To me he came across as a forum snob who feels that he owns the place. So I listened to what he made.
Should I have given him a similar review?
His tracks:
BeatBattle03 - OBRcws
Sounds like over indulgence, thin drums, out of pitch at points, the singing sample is a little annoying. No bass.
BeatBattle 01 - OBRcws
A better track, but your loop timing is off, and your track needs more compression.
Homework07 - OBRcws
Super thin drums with no punch, volume is really low. No bass.
Decent track, but there are pitch issues.
Tight track.
If I did, he probably would have thought I was the asshole.
I'm on this forum to hear how you Europeans use the MPC REN.
And to show you how I use it.
Your methods are not the same as mine here in my state. Would It not be rude of me to come into your forum telling you guys what your doing wrong?
I just listen, and keep it moving.
By the way dudi... I like your beats
Powinienem dać mu podobną opinię?
Jego utworów:
BeatBattle03 - OBRcws
Brzmi jak na odpust, cienkie bębny, z boiska w punktach, próbka śpiew jest trochę denerwujące. Nie bas.
BeatBattle 01 - OBRcws
Lepszy tor, ale Twój czas pętla jest wyłączona, a utwór potrzebuje więcej kompresji.
Homework07 - OBRcws
Super cienkie bębny bez stempla, wielkość jest bardzo niska. Nie bas.
Przyzwoity utwór, ale są problemy boisko.
Mocno utwór.
Jeśli ja, pewnie by pomyślał, jestem dupkiem.
Jestem na tym forum, aby usłyszeć, jak wy, Europejczycy użyć MPC REN.
I pokazać, jak go używać.
Twoje metody nie są takie same jak moje w moim stanie. Czy nie byłoby to niegrzeczne z mojej strony, którzy przychodzą do was forum mówi co robisz źle?
Właśnie słucham, i utrzymać ją w ruchu.
Let me explain my reaction. You don't have to like what I make, but if your gonna point out problems with my work, please make sure you OWN music is on point. To me he came across as a forum snob who feels that he owns the place. So I listened to what he made.
Should I have given him a similar review?
His tracks:
BeatBattle03 - OBRcws
Sounds like over indulgence, thin drums, out of pitch at points, the singing sample is a little annoying. No bass.
BeatBattle 01 - OBRcws
A better track, but your loop timing is off, and your track needs more compression.
Homework07 - OBRcws
Super thin drums with no punch, volume is really low. No bass.
Decent track, but there are pitch issues.
Tight track.
If I did, he probably would have thought I was the asshole.
I'm on this forum to hear how you Europeans use the MPC REN.
And to show you how I use it.
Your methods are not the same as mine here in my state. Would It not be rude of me to come into your forum telling you guys what your doing wrong?
I just listen, and keep it moving.
By the way dudi... I like your beats
- OBRcws
- Pad7
- Posts: 894
- Joined: 04 Nov 2013, 14:26
I wasn't going to respond to it at first but since you've missed the point so badly I thought it's fair to at least get some facts straight...
First of all I think you need to relax a bit pal and ditch the Google translator in your posts, as it creates more confusion than benefits... Most of us should be perfectly comfortable to answer you in english anyway.
Second of all, not sure what were you expecting to hear but my comment was honest and to the point, and in all fairness not even that critical either. The whole point of us dropping our beats on this sort of forum is so others, with objective point of view can actually bring us back on track with what we have MISSED and not neccesarily just awaiting pats in a back and appraisals only. Just in case to ensure you have my comment as it was intended (as not sure what the hell the translator told you) see the correct version below:
"The first one is bit low on low-end and a bit repetitive, such previews should be up to 2minutes max, but there is a lot of potential if you'd put some work into it.
The second one - much better and it's clear that you put some work into details and although sometimes a bit chaotic, the overall vibe is pretty dope."
Now I don't know how's that so f**ing offending all of a sudden and what else did you expect to hear but that's the true pal.
And do I think you're an asshole for your comments on my beats? No! In fact, I think they are bang on accurate and I agree with all of it. But in terms of your other cheeky comments - I think you were acting like a dick yourself! I am not a pro and still learning which is also one of the reasons for me being here (same for others I guess)
On top of that I only use the Cloud for this forum's activity mainly so I have to accept that it will not be the true reflection of my whole portfolio but even then I am well aware that my beats are far from being perferct, but I've got newsflash for you dude.... -SO ARE YOURS!
Not taking away the potential from you, but you (same as many of us here) still have a lot to learn and improve... And some distance to yourself would probably be a good place to start. And cut the crap with "jacking the loops" as 80% of my sounds are based on hardware instruments and also using samples are essential in some of this forum activities. But no ready made loops were ever used by me. Get over it!
So if you showed up here just to hear the positives and can't bear some constructive feedback then you're in a wrong place mate...
Oh! And in terms of the alleged "racial slur" - pull yourself together fellah... I didn't even know you were a foreigner in a first place.
Look around bro... We have users living in destinations all over he globe and it's not that straightforward especially since your post was in Polish(-ish). And even then I am far from being racist whilst I live in UK myself... In fact, this forum expanding to multilingual - I'm all up for it!!
A lot of this could probably be avoided if you would properly introduced yourself, but hey... I guess you forgot.
And in terms of me wanting for others to be like me... Quite the contrary ! If anything I am consistently trying to do something different and I am not scared of making some errors during the learning process...
If there are any other "issues" I'm all up for debate... Only as long as it's constructive.
Next time, if you don't want to cause friction - simply don't cause it!
Welcome on our forum!
First of all I think you need to relax a bit pal and ditch the Google translator in your posts, as it creates more confusion than benefits... Most of us should be perfectly comfortable to answer you in english anyway.
Second of all, not sure what were you expecting to hear but my comment was honest and to the point, and in all fairness not even that critical either. The whole point of us dropping our beats on this sort of forum is so others, with objective point of view can actually bring us back on track with what we have MISSED and not neccesarily just awaiting pats in a back and appraisals only. Just in case to ensure you have my comment as it was intended (as not sure what the hell the translator told you) see the correct version below:
"The first one is bit low on low-end and a bit repetitive, such previews should be up to 2minutes max, but there is a lot of potential if you'd put some work into it.
The second one - much better and it's clear that you put some work into details and although sometimes a bit chaotic, the overall vibe is pretty dope."
Now I don't know how's that so f**ing offending all of a sudden and what else did you expect to hear but that's the true pal.
And do I think you're an asshole for your comments on my beats? No! In fact, I think they are bang on accurate and I agree with all of it. But in terms of your other cheeky comments - I think you were acting like a dick yourself! I am not a pro and still learning which is also one of the reasons for me being here (same for others I guess)
On top of that I only use the Cloud for this forum's activity mainly so I have to accept that it will not be the true reflection of my whole portfolio but even then I am well aware that my beats are far from being perferct, but I've got newsflash for you dude.... -SO ARE YOURS!
Not taking away the potential from you, but you (same as many of us here) still have a lot to learn and improve... And some distance to yourself would probably be a good place to start. And cut the crap with "jacking the loops" as 80% of my sounds are based on hardware instruments and also using samples are essential in some of this forum activities. But no ready made loops were ever used by me. Get over it!
So if you showed up here just to hear the positives and can't bear some constructive feedback then you're in a wrong place mate...
Oh! And in terms of the alleged "racial slur" - pull yourself together fellah... I didn't even know you were a foreigner in a first place.
Look around bro... We have users living in destinations all over he globe and it's not that straightforward especially since your post was in Polish(-ish). And even then I am far from being racist whilst I live in UK myself... In fact, this forum expanding to multilingual - I'm all up for it!!
A lot of this could probably be avoided if you would properly introduced yourself, but hey... I guess you forgot.
And in terms of me wanting for others to be like me... Quite the contrary ! If anything I am consistently trying to do something different and I am not scared of making some errors during the learning process...
If there are any other "issues" I'm all up for debate... Only as long as it's constructive.
Next time, if you don't want to cause friction - simply don't cause it!
Welcome on our forum!
Last edited by OBRcws on 15 Jun 2014, 19:11, edited 1 time in total." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow