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2K vs XL

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 22:55
by Dudus
Czym się różni MPC 2000 Classic np. ... 97769.html" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow z efektami rozbudowana itd. od 2000xl ? :) czego nie ma 2k a xl ma ? czym się różnią ?

Re: 2K vs XL

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 23:20
by dudi
Jest to tak ładnie i prosto opisane na anglojęzycznych forach, że aż mi się nie chciało tłumaczyć :V:

Both use same Effects board, 8-out expander and the sample engine between them is essentially the same. Many improvements on the Seqeucner section and a few added features in the sample editing area:
-XL sequencer memory increased from 100,000 events to 300,000
-XL dedicated Next Sequence button
-XL has 4 buttons for pad/bank selection vs the former 1
-XL can access 4 drum programs simultaneously, essentially making it 4 part multitimbral
-Number of samples stored doubled to 256 on the XL
-Folder support for storage on the XL
-XL can switch between sequences using the pads (just like the track mute/unmute screen)
-XL has SUDDEN button added to immediately switch to next sequence
-XL has 2nd sequence function allows you to associate another sequence to play simultaneously with current one.
-XL can solo from track mute/unmute screen
-XL can change sequences with program changes
-XL Device naming for each midi channel
-XL Midi monitor screen
-XL has improved multiple track recording by specifying which tracks to record and what channels for soft through
-XL Resample a sound with a different bit depth or sampling rate
-XL Zone mode allows you to select up to 16 zones
-XL Slice function. When samples zoned like above, you can automatically create new program (with pad assignments and with extra specified samples at end of each sample because of the sample decay ). (Sort of like Recycle, but you have to manual zone the sample)
-XL Timestretch function with slightly modifiable presets: 1. FEM VOX 2. MALE VOX 3. LOW MALE VOX 4. VOCAL 5. HFREQ RHYTHM 6. MFREQ RHYTHM 7. LFREQ RHYTHM 8. PERCUSSION 9. LFREQ PERC. 10. STACCATO 11. LFREQ SLOW 12. MUSIC 1 13. MUSIC 2 14. MUSIC 3 15. SOFT PERC. 16. HFREQ ORCH. 17. LFREQ ORCH. 18. SLOW ORCH.
-XL has automatic Chromatic assignment. Essentially allows you to create a keygroup across the key/pads from one sample.
-XL has internal IDE port so you can replace the floppy with a Zip drive.
-New List price of the XL is much lower than the new list price of the former model.
-XL has a swivel screen and comes in three color schemes.
-You can now switch from REC/OVERDUB to PLAY and vice versa without having to stop the sequencer

Re: 2K vs XL

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 23:58
by Dudus
nie znalazłem tego dzięki ;)

Re: Odp: 2K vs XL

Posted: 15 Jun 2013, 07:43
by dudi
Spoko man :v

Re: 2K vs XL

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 16:25
by MTD
Tylko że ten time stretch w MPC to jakas pomyłka jest bo nie nadaje sie wogole do rozciagania w czasie.